

Nowdays,what is known to us is a voice,the complaint on Chinese society and government,could be easily heard here and there.However,people who complain a lot are exactly the ones who know a little.
To begin with,they are not aware of the roles that they ought to play as well as the responsibility they are supposed to take.What's more,some of them are so mindless that they always hold a belief that foreign society is much better than domestic society.In fact,they even don't have the idea about what is for real abroad.Last but not least,take immigration for instance,social elites usually put themselves on the way of running away from these problems instead of participating in settling this kind of matter.
From what has been stated above,we can draw a conclusion that people who are full of the complaints should get rid of the negative attitude they used to hold towards our society and shoulder the responsibility in playing their roles to make the changes that they want to see.
Nowdays,what is known to us is a voice,the complaint on Chinese society and government,could be easily heard here and there.However,people who complain a lot are exactly the ones who know a little.
To begin with,they are not aware of the roles that they ought to play as well as the responsibility they are supposed to take.What's more,some of them are so mindless that they always hold a belief that foreign society is much better than domestic society.In fact,they even don't have the idea about what is for real abroad.Last but not least,take immigration for instance,social elites usually put themselves on the way of running away from these problems instead of participating in settling this kind of matter.
From what has been stated above,we can draw a conclusion that people who are full of the complaints should get rid of the negative attitude they used to hold towards our society and shoulder the responsibility in playing their roles to make the changes that they want to see.