

A:Excuse me,can you tell me the way to the nearest subway station?
B:Sure,walk along this road to the end,and then turn right,you will see a high building,and the subway station extrance is near the building.
A:thanks a lot
B:you are welcome~
Waiter:Welcome to Antico’s.Here are your menus.Today’s special is grilled salmon.I’ll be back to take your order in a minute.
Waiter:Are you ready to order?
Customer 1:I’d like the seafood spaghetti.
Waiter:And you?
Customer 2:I’ll have a hamburger and fries.
Waiter:Would you like anything to drink?
Customer 1:I’ll have a coke,please.
Waiter:And for you?
Customer 2:Just water,please.
Waiter:OK.So that’s one seafood spaghetti,one hamburger and fries,one coke,and one water.I’ll take your menus.
Waiter:Here is your food.Enjoy your meal.
Waiter:How was everything?
Customers 2:Delicious,thanks.
Waiter:Would you like anything for dessert?
Customer 1:No,just the bill please.
\x05Patient \x05Good morning,doctor!
\x05Doctor\x05Morning!What's your troubie,young man?
\x05Patient \x05I feel sick and I have a headache.
\x05Doctor\x05How long have you been like this?
\x05Patient \x05Since last night.
\x05Doctor\x05Let me look you over carefully.
\x05Patient \x05Is anything wrong with me?
\x05Doctor\x05Yes,but it's not
serious.you've got the flu.Here are some pills for you.Plerse take them
three times a day and drink moer water.
\x05Patient \x05How soon can Ibe all right again?
\x05Doctor\x05If you have a good rest,you will be all right in three days.
\x05Patient \x05OK,thanks a lot!
\x05Dr.Yang\x05What can I do for you,Benjamin?
\x05Benjamin\x05Well,I couldn't sleep last night.
\x05Dr.Yang\x05What's the matter?
\x05Benjamin\x05I've got a pain here.Just here.Ouch!
\x05Dr.Yang\x05What did you eat yesterday?
\x05Benjamin\x05For lunch I had noodles,salad,and later a peach.I didn't have any supper because I didn't fell very well.
\x05Dr.Yang\x05Was the peach ripe or green?You ought to be careful with fruit.
\x05Benjamin\x05It was a bit green.
\x05Dr.Yang\x05I think that
may be the problem.It is nothing serious.You'd better get some rest.Take
this medicine three times a day.You'll be all right soon.And I advise
you not to eat fruit that isn't ripe in the future.
\x05Benjamin\x05OK.Thank you.Goodbye.
A:Hey,Kattie,would you like to join us tonight at the the Pizza Hut around 6pm?
B:What the event,Jash?
C:Let me tell her,Jash.
B:Okay,go ahead,Paul.
C:It is the club meeting and we would love to have you if you can make it.
A:But I am not a member of your club though...
B:Not a problem.Everyone welcomes new-comers and you won't feel left out,I promise.
C:Yeah,you should come besides we are going and you always have us there.Come,please.
A:Well,what are you going to do in the Pizza Hut?
B:We will have pizza,of course,and hang out.It is not an official club event.
C:It is a passing time event and you should come.
A:Okay,if that's the case,where should I meet you guys?Which Pizza Hut?
B:I have an afternoon class till 5:45pm.If you want,we can ride there together.
C:Or I can come over to pick you up if you go home early today?
A:Okay,that sounds better.Are you sure it isn't too much trouble for you to pick me up,Paul?
A:Great.What time are you coming?
C:What about 5:30pm?
A:Sounds good to me.Well,I gotta run now.See you both later.
B:I gotta go too.Peace off,Paul.
C:Alright,see you then.:
A:Excuse me,can you tell me the way to the nearest subway station?
B:Sure,walk along this road to the end,and then turn right,you will see a high building,and the subway station extrance is near the building.
A:thanks a lot
B:you are welcome~
Waiter:Welcome to Antico’s.Here are your menus.Today’s special is grilled salmon.I’ll be back to take your order in a minute.
Waiter:Are you ready to order?
Customer 1:I’d like the seafood spaghetti.
Waiter:And you?
Customer 2:I’ll have a hamburger and fries.
Waiter:Would you like anything to drink?
Customer 1:I’ll have a coke,please.
Waiter:And for you?
Customer 2:Just water,please.
Waiter:OK.So that’s one seafood spaghetti,one hamburger and fries,one coke,and one water.I’ll take your menus.
Waiter:Here is your food.Enjoy your meal.
Waiter:How was everything?
Customers 2:Delicious,thanks.
Waiter:Would you like anything for dessert?
Customer 1:No,just the bill please.
\x05Patient \x05Good morning,doctor!
\x05Doctor\x05Morning!What's your troubie,young man?
\x05Patient \x05I feel sick and I have a headache.
\x05Doctor\x05How long have you been like this?
\x05Patient \x05Since last night.
\x05Doctor\x05Let me look you over carefully.
\x05Patient \x05Is anything wrong with me?
\x05Doctor\x05Yes,but it's not
serious.you've got the flu.Here are some pills for you.Plerse take them
three times a day and drink moer water.
\x05Patient \x05How soon can Ibe all right again?
\x05Doctor\x05If you have a good rest,you will be all right in three days.
\x05Patient \x05OK,thanks a lot!
\x05Dr.Yang\x05What can I do for you,Benjamin?
\x05Benjamin\x05Well,I couldn't sleep last night.
\x05Dr.Yang\x05What's the matter?
\x05Benjamin\x05I've got a pain here.Just here.Ouch!
\x05Dr.Yang\x05What did you eat yesterday?
\x05Benjamin\x05For lunch I had noodles,salad,and later a peach.I didn't have any supper because I didn't fell very well.
\x05Dr.Yang\x05Was the peach ripe or green?You ought to be careful with fruit.
\x05Benjamin\x05It was a bit green.
\x05Dr.Yang\x05I think that
may be the problem.It is nothing serious.You'd better get some rest.Take
this medicine three times a day.You'll be all right soon.And I advise
you not to eat fruit that isn't ripe in the future.
\x05Benjamin\x05OK.Thank you.Goodbye.
A:Hey,Kattie,would you like to join us tonight at the the Pizza Hut around 6pm?
B:What the event,Jash?
C:Let me tell her,Jash.
B:Okay,go ahead,Paul.
C:It is the club meeting and we would love to have you if you can make it.
A:But I am not a member of your club though...
B:Not a problem.Everyone welcomes new-comers and you won't feel left out,I promise.
C:Yeah,you should come besides we are going and you always have us there.Come,please.
A:Well,what are you going to do in the Pizza Hut?
B:We will have pizza,of course,and hang out.It is not an official club event.
C:It is a passing time event and you should come.
A:Okay,if that's the case,where should I meet you guys?Which Pizza Hut?
B:I have an afternoon class till 5:45pm.If you want,we can ride there together.
C:Or I can come over to pick you up if you go home early today?
A:Okay,that sounds better.Are you sure it isn't too much trouble for you to pick me up,Paul?
A:Great.What time are you coming?
C:What about 5:30pm?
A:Sounds good to me.Well,I gotta run now.See you both later.
B:I gotta go too.Peace off,Paul.
C:Alright,see you then.: