求高手翻译成英文,是交给美国大学的PERSONAL STATEMENT 最好润色下我父亲说,如果你的人生目标只是想过上普通人那样有的穿有的吃的日子,那他大可不必送我出国留学,既然送我出国留学,回来必须要对的起他花的钱,必须要有回报,因为这是他的一种投资。如果你想过像他这样的生活,也想送将来儿女出国留学,你就必须像他一样去创业。所以我决定读商科,我认为这会有助于我更好的管理公司,经营公司。最近我在读一本书,《Effictive ways in business communications》,由中国一位有名


求高手翻译成英文,是交给美国大学的PERSONAL STATEMENT 最好润色下
最近我在读一本书,《Effictive ways in business communications》,由中国一位有名的CEO SIMON 撰写,主要讲的是在国际贸易中因东西方文化差异,以及思维方式的差异所带来的一系列问题,可以看出,当你与外商进行洽谈时,只要合理正确的处理这些问题,接下来的合作会非常轻松,因为你与外商已经建立起了一种互相信任,平淡对待的沟通
My father said, if your goal is just to live a life that some people in some eat of it, that he can need not send me to go abroad for further study, now that send me to go abroad to study abroad, come back to up to the money he spent, must want to have return, because it's one of his investment. If you want to be like him so of life, also want to send children to go abroad to study abroad in the future, you have to like him to start a business. So I decided to read business, I think you could help me better management company, the management company.
Recently I was reading a book, "Effictive ways in business communications", by a Chinese famous CEO SIMON writing, mainly talks about in international trade because of cultural difference, and the thinking mode of a series of problems caused by differences, we can see that, when you
My father said, if your goal is just to live a life that some people in some eat of it, that he can need not send me to go abroad for further study, now that send me to go abroad to study abroad, come back to up to the money he spent, must want to have return, because it's one of his investment. If you want to be like him so of life, also want to send children to go abroad to study abroad in the future, you have to like him to start a business. So I decided to read business, I think you could help me better management company, the management company.
Recently I was reading a book, "Effictive ways in business communications", by a Chinese famous CEO SIMON writing, mainly talks about in international trade because of cultural difference, and the thinking mode of a series of problems caused by differences, we can see that, when you