英语翻译要用到括号里的词,不要用翻译软件,人工翻译,1.我在列出席会议人员名单时,把你的名字漏了(leave out)2.在处理这样严肃的问题时,他们本该更小心谨慎些(deal)3.学校有必要将其教学方法由灌输知识改变为发展能力(There is a need) 4.他的技艺使他有资格担任这一工作(qualify)5.暴风雨使得我们的徒步旅行成了一次真正令人难忘的经历(hike)6.多亏了这神奇的草药,她看起来好象才40岁,她其实已经60岁了(Thanks to)7.为将来存钱正在渐渐变得过时,在年轻人中


1.我在列出席会议人员名单时,把你的名字漏了(leave out)
3.学校有必要将其教学方法由灌输知识改变为发展能力(There is a need)
6.多亏了这神奇的草药,她看起来好象才40岁,她其实已经60岁了(Thanks to)
7.为将来存钱正在渐渐变得过时,在年轻人中,提前消费的现象尤为普遍(in advance)
8.这个讲座的目的不仅是要告诉学生吸烟的危险,还要鼓励他们以健康的方式来生活(not only...but also)
10.随着世界人口增长和经济的快速发展,地球的水资源储备正走向枯竭(dry up)
1.我在列出席会议人员名单时,把你的名字漏了(leave out)
I left you name out when I making the list of the people who attend the meeting.
Thety should have been much more careful when dealing such a serious problem.
3.学校有必要将其教学方法由灌输知识改变为发展能力(There is a need)
There is a need for the schools to have the maths study ways developed into the ability of developing from pulling knowlege.
His skill made him qualified for the job.
The storm made our hike a really unforgetful experience.
6.多亏了这神奇的草药,她看起来好象才40岁,她其实已经60岁了(Thanks to)
Thanks to the magic of herbs,she looks like only 40.but in fact ,she is already 60.
7.为将来存钱正在渐渐变得过时,在年轻人中,提前消费的现象尤为普遍(in advance)
It is out of date saving money for the future ,among yong people,the phenomone of consum in advance is very common.
8.这个讲座的目的不仅是要告诉学生吸烟的危险,还要鼓励他们以健康的方式来生活(not only...but also)
The aim of this speech is not only at telling the students the harm of smoking,but also encouraging them to live in a healthy way.
As early in the 1940s, the word "generous gap" appeared ,and it drawed the socieists'attention.
10.随着世界人口增长和经济的快速发展,地球的水资源储备正走向枯竭(dry up)
As the incearsing of pourlation and the quick development of econom,the water resource reserve is to be dried up .
1.我在列出席会议人员名单时,把你的名字漏了(leave out)
I left you name out when I making the list of the people who attend the meeting.
Thety should have been much more careful when dealing such a serious problem.
3.学校有必要将其教学方法由灌输知识改变为发展能力(There is a need)
There is a need for the schools to have the maths study ways developed into the ability of developing from pulling knowlege.
His skill made him qualified for the job.
The storm made our hike a really unforgetful experience.
6.多亏了这神奇的草药,她看起来好象才40岁,她其实已经60岁了(Thanks to)
Thanks to the magic of herbs,she looks like only 40.but in fact ,she is already 60.
7.为将来存钱正在渐渐变得过时,在年轻人中,提前消费的现象尤为普遍(in advance)
It is out of date saving money for the future ,among yong people,the phenomone of consum in advance is very common.
8.这个讲座的目的不仅是要告诉学生吸烟的危险,还要鼓励他们以健康的方式来生活(not only...but also)
The aim of this speech is not only at telling the students the harm of smoking,but also encouraging them to live in a healthy way.
As early in the 1940s, the word "generous gap" appeared ,and it drawed the socieists'attention.
10.随着世界人口增长和经济的快速发展,地球的水资源储备正走向枯竭(dry up)
As the incearsing of pourlation and the quick development of econom,the water resource reserve is to be dried up .