求各位大神帮我写一下这篇英语作文现在 越来越多的人有机会上大学了,有人认为上大学是为了找到好的工作,开豪车.有人认为上大学是学习知识,提高自己的能力.我认为,大学虽不是成材的必经之途,但它无疑是仍然是成材的有效途径.这是因为:大学汇集了一大批高质量的老师.大学中有很多有学问,有抱负,有责任,有良“明师”.大学里汇集了一大批经过筛选的优质知识资源,这是大学利于成材的又一便利.大学不仅是“读万卷书”的地方,更是“行万里路”、“阅人间事”的好场所,这或许是大学对于我们来说意义最为重大的一点.这也正是大学所带给我


现在 越来越多的人有机会上大学了,有人认为上大学是为了找到好的工作,开豪车.
Now more and more people have the chance to go to university, some people think that the university is to find a good job, open car.
Some people think that the university is to learn knowledge, improve their ability of.
I think, University is not lumber to need the road of classics, but it is still good effective way. This is because:
The university brings together a large number of high quality teachers. The university has many learned, ambitious, responsible, have good masters " ".
The university brings together a large number of selected high-quality knowledge resources, this is the university to yield another convenience.
Therefore, we have read the University, not for a diploma, but to its knowledge resources and the growth of the road 我现在写好了 你看不到吗
Now more and more people have the chance to go to university, some people think that the university is to find a good job, open car.
Some people think that the university is to learn knowledge, improve their ability of.
I think, University is not lumber to need the road of classics, but it is still good effective way. This is because:
The university brings together a large number of high quality teachers. The university has many learned, ambitious, responsible, have good masters " ".
The university brings together a large number of selected high-quality knowledge resources, this is the university to yield another convenience.
Therefore, we have read the University, not for a diploma, but to its knowledge resources and the growth of the road 我现在写好了 你看不到吗