

China is the world's earliest civilizations developed countries in the world,nearly 4000 years of written history can be tested.Tang is the most glorious history of a dynasty.Its powerful national strength,economic prosperity and a brilliant culture,and reached the social development of China's feudal history of the peak.Its highly civilized affected Japan,Korea and many other countries and regions,was the world's most powerful and most advanced country.A total of 22 Tang Chuan Dili,adventure Erbaijiushinian States.Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty,Li Shimin name.He is the Tang Dynasty strategists,politicians and calligraphers.He created a history of the famous "Reign of governance",China's feudal society into heyday. China is the world's earliest civilizations developed countries in the world,nearly 4000 years of written history can be tested.Tang is the most glorious history of a dynasty.Its powerful national strength,economic prosperity and a brilliant culture,and reached the social development of China's feudal history of the peak.Its highly civilized affected Japan,Korea and many other countries and regions,was the world's most powerful and most advanced country.A total of 22 Tang Chuan Dili,adventure Erbaijiushinian States.Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty,Li Shimin name.He is the Tang Dynasty strategists,politicians and calligraphers.He created a history of the famous "Reign of governance",China's feudal society into heyday.