

关键词:环境影响评价报告书 铝型材厂 工程分析
In accordance with The Environment Protection Law of The People’s Republic of China,Law of the People’s Republic of China on Evaluation of Environmental Effects,and Regulations on the Environmental Protection Administration of Construction Project,Construction project must execute the environmental impact assessment system.In order to make a coordination development between economic development and environmental protection,and to reach the three unification in economic,social benefits and environmental benefits,compiled The Construction Projects Environmental Impact Report of **Aluminum Industry Co.,Ltd in ** City.
Under the basis of the survey of environmental quality situation near the construction project,the assessment will forecast the surrounding environment impact degree during the project construction and operating period,put forward necessary environmental protection measures,reduce the environmental affect during the project construction and operating period as far as possible,provide reference for optimization design,rational construction and environment management.
Key Words:evironmental impact assessment report,aluminium materials factory,project analysis
In accordance with The Environment Protection Law of The People’s Republic of China,Law of the People’s Republic of China on Evaluation of Environmental Effects,and Regulations on the Environmental Protection Administration of Construction Project,Construction project must execute the environmental impact assessment system.In order to make a coordination development between economic development and environmental protection,and to reach the three unification in economic,social benefits and environmental benefits,compiled The Construction Projects Environmental Impact Report of **Aluminum Industry Co.,Ltd in ** City.
Under the basis of the survey of environmental quality situation near the construction project,the assessment will forecast the surrounding environment impact degree during the project construction and operating period,put forward necessary environmental protection measures,reduce the environmental affect during the project construction and operating period as far as possible,provide reference for optimization design,rational construction and environment management.
Key Words:evironmental impact assessment report,aluminium materials factory,project analysis