

关键词:大班幼儿 提问行为 对策
Asking questions is a manifestation of children's thirst for knowledge and curiosity, is also a manifestation of children's active learning, the child's knowledge, develop ways of the world, is the children's way of expressing oneself, voice your feelings, are children seeking help, means of interpersonal communication. Child care are encouraged to question, is capable of developing early childhood initiative research and independent thinking, and can also make quality child care a good personality, is one goal of preschool teaching activity. However, the real questions of collective teaching activities in the child care situation is not optimistic, "class a mute", "children without problems" still serious.
This article is divided into four chapters: Chapter I introduces the domestic and foreign large study on the present situation of child care questions. Observation and interviews by law under Chapter II describe the current situation of information and data on the large child care questions. To analyze the resulting data of chapter III, research on influence factors of children's questions. Fourth chapter according to the factors put forward corresponding countermeasures. Finally, there is the full text of the reflection.
Keywords: Tai Pan child care questions strategies
Asking questions is a manifestation of children's thirst for knowledge and curiosity, is also a manifestation of children's active learning, the child's knowledge, develop ways of the world, is the children's way of expressing oneself, voice your feelings, are children seeking help, means of interpersonal communication. Child care are encouraged to question, is capable of developing early childhood initiative research and independent thinking, and can also make quality child care a good personality, is one goal of preschool teaching activity. However, the real questions of collective teaching activities in the child care situation is not optimistic, "class a mute", "children without problems" still serious.
This article is divided into four chapters: Chapter I introduces the domestic and foreign large study on the present situation of child care questions. Observation and interviews by law under Chapter II describe the current situation of information and data on the large child care questions. To analyze the resulting data of chapter III, research on influence factors of children's questions. Fourth chapter according to the factors put forward corresponding countermeasures. Finally, there is the full text of the reflection.
Keywords: Tai Pan child care questions strategies