写1篇初中英语作文请你根据一下提示写一篇不少于80词的短文,谈谈农村儿童失学的主要原因,并发表自己的观点原因:1:家境贫穷,无法供孩子上学;2:部分家长认为上学无用,不愿让孩子上学;3:部分儿童对功课不感兴趣,不愿上学.观点:1:每个儿童都应该上学,全社会应更加重视教育;2:倡导(call on)大家积极加入希望工程,帮助失学的儿童重返校园.


2:倡导(call on)大家积极加入希望工程,帮助失学的儿童重返校园.
With the rapid development of China's economics,education should be attached more attention since human resourse have played a increasingly important role in economical improvement.Nowadays,however,there are still some children out of school due to somewhat reasons,subjective or objective.
On the one hand,it is the poverty of the family that kills children's chances to school in pursuit of knowldege.On the other hand,some parents' misunderstanding about education restrains children's access to school.And as influenced by some biased atmospheres,some children take no interest in studying.
In sum,it is not only a right but also a responsibility for children to get a well-rounded education.Meanwhile,the whole socity should pay more attention to education and call on everyone to join the Hope Project in order to help those children back to shool.
With the rapid development of China's economics,education should be attached more attention since human resourse have played a increasingly important role in economical improvement.Nowadays,however,there are still some children out of school due to somewhat reasons,subjective or objective.
On the one hand,it is the poverty of the family that kills children's chances to school in pursuit of knowldege.On the other hand,some parents' misunderstanding about education restrains children's access to school.And as influenced by some biased atmospheres,some children take no interest in studying.
In sum,it is not only a right but also a responsibility for children to get a well-rounded education.Meanwhile,the whole socity should pay more attention to education and call on everyone to join the Hope Project in order to help those children back to shool.