英语翻译语法不用很难,不要用软件在我们还没上小学时,中国动画片还是常看到的.随着经济的发展、文化的交流,大量外国的优秀动画作品走上了中国的银屏.而我们也越来越接受国外的动画片,如来自日本和美国的作品.当政府意识到这个问题时,即使推出了具有海外特色的中国动画,也甚少博得观众的认可.这是一个很大的问题 众所周知,美国动画风趣幽默,人物线条流畅,故事情节令人捧腹.如早期的《猫和老鼠》、《大力水手》、《米老鼠》等.相信这些都是陪伴过15至30岁的中国人的经典作品;又如前几年公映的《海底总动员》、《虫虫危机》、《超


we actually saw the chinese animations all the time before we went to the primary school.however ,as the development of the economy and the communication of the cultures,lots of foreign animations with good quality have been showed in china.we become more and more admire about the foreign animations,espeacially the ones from japan and the us.the china government has presented us the native animations with foreign style when they realize the problem,but that only attrack a few audiences.that is a real problem.as it is known to all that ,the american animation is full of fun and humour,the characters in it have good contours,the scenarioes are double up with laughter.for example the early animations like "tom and jerry" "pipl""mickey mouse",i believe those are the classic works that have been the companies of the 15 to 30 year old chinese.another example is the movies that have been released in resenr years like """the worm""superman return"(好像这不是动画吧?超人总动员“the incredible”就是动画)
half of the chinese market is taken by the japanese animation which has the rich stories and beautiful figures.so the japanese animation has a large mount of fans.
then why can't the chinese animation attract as much audiences as the others
we actually saw the chinese animations all the time before we went to the primary school.however ,as the development of the economy and the communication of the cultures,lots of foreign animations with good quality have been showed in china.we become more and more admire about the foreign animations,espeacially the ones from japan and the us.the china government has presented us the native animations with foreign style when they realize the problem,but that only attrack a few audiences.that is a real problem.as it is known to all that ,the american animation is full of fun and humour,the characters in it have good contours,the scenarioes are double up with laughter.for example the early animations like "tom and jerry" "pipl""mickey mouse",i believe those are the classic works that have been the companies of the 15 to 30 year old chinese.another example is the movies that have been released in resenr years like """the worm""superman return"(好像这不是动画吧?超人总动员“the incredible”就是动画)
half of the chinese market is taken by the japanese animation which has the rich stories and beautiful figures.so the japanese animation has a large mount of fans.
then why can't the chinese animation attract as much audiences as the others