Do you think it's important to be good-looking ?如题,写一篇50字左右的英语短文,高一学生的程度就好。在线等,分数在最后会补充30分。Why ? Why not ?这也是题目中的问题,选其一作文。


Do you think it's important to be good-looking ?
Why ? Why not ?
everybody knows good-looking is not important, the inside is important and always said it, but in the fact, nobody can accpect this in the life.
it's true that everybody like beauty, and they aspire after it. we like beautiful stars and we like ourselves more and more beauty,we can't always see the ugly thing, it's impact our mood.
so, the good inside is important, we can't accept somebody who has beautiful outside but bad inside; but we also can't accept somebody who has bad outside.in that case, it's important to be good-looking.
everybody knows good-looking is not important, the inside is important and always said it, but in the fact, nobody can accpect this in the life.
it's true that everybody like beauty, and they aspire after it. we like beautiful stars and we like ourselves more and more beauty,we can't always see the ugly thing, it's impact our mood.
so, the good inside is important, we can't accept somebody who has beautiful outside but bad inside; but we also can't accept somebody who has bad outside.in that case, it's important to be good-looking.