把下列中文句子翻译成英文.他们刚一到机场,老师就告诉他们这消息.作为中国人,我们应该把一生奉献给祖国. 学生花了两个半小时才做出这道数学题.我们上星期参观了这位科学家曾住过的房子.他们已决定将会议推迟到下周三.(put off)事实上,大多数事故是可以避免的.(in fact)要求他现在来是没有用的,因为他很忙.(be no use + ving)我们认为仅仅学习理论是没有用的,他们必须与实践相结合.科学家们正在尽最大努力防止打气污染(prevent ..from)他宁可呆在家里也不去游泳(w



他们已决定将会议推迟到下周三.(put off)
事实上,大多数事故是可以避免的.(in fact)
要求他现在来是没有用的,因为他很忙.(be no use + ving)
科学家们正在尽最大努力防止打气污染(prevent ..from)
他宁可呆在家里也不去游泳(would rather ..than)
As soon as they arrived at the airport, the teacher told them the news.
As a Chinese, we should dedicate our life to the motherland.
It has taken the students took 2.5 hours to work out the maths problem.
Last week, we visited the house in which the scientist once lived.
They have decided to put off the session until next Wednesday.
In fact, most of these accidents could have been avoided.
It is no use asking him to come now because he is very busy.
We don't think that merely learning theory is enough , they must combine the theory with practice.
Scientists are making efforts to prevent air pollution.
He would rather stay at home than go swimming.
As soon as they arrived at the airport, the teacher told them the news.
As a Chinese, we should dedicate our life to the motherland.
It has taken the students took 2.5 hours to work out the maths problem.
Last week, we visited the house in which the scientist once lived.
They have decided to put off the session until next Wednesday.
In fact, most of these accidents could have been avoided.
It is no use asking him to come now because he is very busy.
We don't think that merely learning theory is enough , they must combine the theory with practice.
Scientists are making efforts to prevent air pollution.
He would rather stay at home than go swimming.