Believe in Yourself and You will Succeed 急!以‘Believe in Yourself and You will Succeed'为题写一篇短文,词数:100词左右。 提示: 1.在学习中遇到的困难; 2.如何克服困难; 3.从中学到了什么。 写出来了,最好给我翻译一下,有奖励的。 Believe in Yourself and You will Succeed'


Believe in Yourself and You will Succeed 急!
以‘Believe in Yourself and You will Succeed'为题写一篇短文,词数:100词左右。
Believe in Yourself and You will Succeed'
Believe in Yourself and You will Succeed
I'll never forget that night when I learned believe in yourself and you will succeed.
It was Oct,8,2008.That day I joined an English speaking contest.I was so nervous that I was sweating and forgot everything when I steped in front of the blackboad.I told myself calm down and you can do it for you have prepared well .And the most important is that you are qualified.Thinging of this,I had deep breath was not as nervous as befor.and found my teacher was smiling to me.I was greatly encouraged and had an excellent show.I won the first place.
After that night,I learn you will succeed only you believe in yourself,otherwise you won't succeed for ever.
2008年11 月16号,我参加了一个英文演讲比赛。当我站在讲台上时,我是如此的紧张以至于满头大汗,忘记了所有的台词。我在心里给自己鼓劲,让自己放松下来,只要正常发挥就能夺冠,因为我准备的很充分,最重要的原因是我有这个实力夺冠。想到这,我深吸了一口气,不再像以前那么紧张了。忽然,我发现老师在朝我微笑,我备受鼓舞,发挥出色,夺得了第一名。
Believe in Yourself and You will Succeed
I'll never forget that night when I learned believe in yourself and you will succeed.
It was Oct,8,2008.That day I joined an English speaking contest.I was so nervous that I was sweating and forgot everything when I steped in front of the blackboad.I told myself calm down and you can do it for you have prepared well .And the most important is that you are qualified.Thinging of this,I had deep breath was not as nervous as befor.and found my teacher was smiling to me.I was greatly encouraged and had an excellent show.I won the first place.
After that night,I learn you will succeed only you believe in yourself,otherwise you won't succeed for ever.
2008年11 月16号,我参加了一个英文演讲比赛。当我站在讲台上时,我是如此的紧张以至于满头大汗,忘记了所有的台词。我在心里给自己鼓劲,让自己放松下来,只要正常发挥就能夺冠,因为我准备的很充分,最重要的原因是我有这个实力夺冠。想到这,我深吸了一口气,不再像以前那么紧张了。忽然,我发现老师在朝我微笑,我备受鼓舞,发挥出色,夺得了第一名。
相关标签: 短文 词数 左右 提示 学习