

As consumers' standard rises and the automobile industry rapidly expands,societal car ownership also increases every year,bringing more commercial opportunities for the auto service industries.If the sale of the finished car is to be regarded as the auto market's pre-sale market,then maintenance,dressing,refitting,care,supplying the accessory products and etc.services consist the entire post-sale market.After briefly experiencing the pre-sale market,a car will spend at least ten years in the post-sale market:services of maintenance,care,and dressing are indispensable.Thus,the post-sale market is facile and feasible,having a considerable potential waiting to be developed. As consumers' standard rises and the automobile industry rapidly expands,societal car ownership also increases every year,bringing more commercial opportunities for the auto service industries.If the sale of the finished car is to be regarded as the auto market's pre-sale market,then maintenance,dressing,refitting,care,supplying the accessory products and etc.services consist the entire post-sale market.After briefly experiencing the pre-sale market,a car will spend at least ten years in the post-sale market:services of maintenance,care,and dressing are indispensable.Thus,the post-sale market is facile and feasible,having a considerable potential waiting to be developed.