求一篇英语短文!What extra-curricular activities can help students lend a job after graduation?关于What extra-curricular activities can help students lend a job after graduation?口语短文!80字到100字左右.


求一篇英语短文!What extra-curricular activities can help students lend a job after graduation?
关于What extra-curricular activities can help students lend a job after graduation?口语短文!80字到100字左右.
from my personnal perspective,activitities such as communicating with peopel who are now engaging or once have engaged in the career you are intending to do in the furture and paying more attention to relevent website for work information are of great help for students to lend a good job after graduation,schools must provide students more information about the prospect and the competition of relevent fields ,meanwhile,students ,themselves,should also keep open eyes on what is required to gurantee a better job. from my personnal perspective,activitities such as communicating with peopel who are now engaging or once have engaged in the career you are intending to do in the furture and paying more attention to relevent website for work information are of great help for students to lend a good job after graduation,schools must provide students more information about the prospect and the competition of relevent fields ,meanwhile,students ,themselves,should also keep open eyes on what is required to gurantee a better job.