英语翻译1,宜兴简介 宜兴境内自然条件优越,历史文化悠久,物产资源丰富,素以“陶的古都,洞的世界,竹的海洋,茶的绿洲”著称,是“中国著名的陶都,太湖风景区的旅游城市”和“中国优秀旅游城市”.2,古人云:“人间珠玉安足取,岂如阳羡溪头一丸土.”这是对宜兴紫砂陶不是珠玉胜似珠玉的高度赞美.宜兴紫砂自明代以来经历代艺人的辛勤耕耘,日积月累,自成门派承载了远古的文明和现代的荣耀.2006年5月,宜兴紫砂陶制作技艺列入国家第一批非物质文化遗产名录,炫示了中华名族文化艺术精髓之光彩,雄立于我国及世界艺术之林而毫不愧色


1,宜兴简介 宜兴境内自然条件优越,历史文化悠久,物产资源丰富,素以“陶的古都,洞的世界,竹的海洋,茶的绿洲”著称,是“中国著名的陶都,太湖风景区的旅游城市”和“中国优秀旅游城市”.
Yixing Yixing superior natural conditions, has a long history and culture, products rich in resources, in order to "the ancient capital of pottery, the hole in the world, the ocean of bamboo, tea oasis" known, is "Chinese famous pottery, Taihu scenic tourist city" and "China Excellent Tourism city".
Ancient cloud: "human bead jade Yasutari, not as a bolus of Yangxian Hsitou soil."This is the Yixing pottery not bead jade like gems of high praise.Yixing purple since the Ming Dynasty experienced artists of hard work, days and months multiplying, since a martial bearing the ancient civilization and modern glory.2006 May, Yixing pottery production techniques included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list, display the Chinese culture essence of artistic brilliance, male stand in our country and the art world of the forest without shame.Yixing purple set design, literature, calligraphy and painting, stone art in a body, has excellent value appreciation, and intends to practical function, contains profound
Cultural accumulation.
Yixing Yixing superior natural conditions, has a long history and culture, products rich in resources, in order to "the ancient capital of pottery, the hole in the world, the ocean of bamboo, tea oasis" known, is "Chinese famous pottery, Taihu scenic tourist city" and "China Excellent Tourism city".
Ancient cloud: "human bead jade Yasutari, not as a bolus of Yangxian Hsitou soil."This is the Yixing pottery not bead jade like gems of high praise.Yixing purple since the Ming Dynasty experienced artists of hard work, days and months multiplying, since a martial bearing the ancient civilization and modern glory.2006 May, Yixing pottery production techniques included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list, display the Chinese culture essence of artistic brilliance, male stand in our country and the art world of the forest without shame.Yixing purple set design, literature, calligraphy and painting, stone art in a body, has excellent value appreciation, and intends to practical function, contains profound
Cultural accumulation.