英语翻译1师生平等 2我们有小组讨论,十分有趣3我们的班级不大,小班教学 4课外活动丰富有趣,有很多人参加 5我们利用网络去学习 6希望老师能减少作业,以保证充足的睡眠


1师生平等 2我们有小组讨论,十分有趣3我们的班级不大,小班教学 4课外活动丰富有趣,有很多人参加 5我们利用网络去学习 6希望老师能减少作业,以保证充足的睡眠
Equality between teachers and students.
We have a group discussion, very interesting.
Our class is not big, small class teaching.
Extracurricular activity rich and interesting, there are many people take part in.
We use the network to learn.
I hope the teacher can reduce the operation, to ensure adequate sleep.
Equality between teachers and students.
We have a group discussion, very interesting.
Our class is not big, small class teaching.
Extracurricular activity rich and interesting, there are many people take part in.
We use the network to learn.
I hope the teacher can reduce the operation, to ensure adequate sleep.