初中生活即将结束,丰富多彩的学校活动一定给你留下了许多美好的回忆.根据图表提示,选择一次你最喜欢的活动进行描述.内容包括:1)此次活动的过程;2)你的收获或感受.要求:1)词数:80-100.开头已给出,不计入总词数.2)文中不得出现真实的校名和人名.My junior school life is coming to an end.I had a lot of sweet memories.       .


My junior school life is coming to an end.I had a lot of sweet memories.      
My junior school life is coming to an end.I had a lot of sweet memories.Of them,I’d like to share with you my favorite story about a basketball game.(最喜欢的活动篮球比赛)Our team got a good start by beating two strong teams.However,our captain hurt his finger during the third game.He is the brain of our team.When thinking of losing of the center,we were all down and couldn’t concentrate on the next match.【高分句型】Our captain found this and encouraged us to fight on and cheered us up.With the help of our captain,we played as well as the first two games.Seeing our captains waving his injured finger,we made our biggest efforts in the following games.【高分句型】With the cheers of our students,we won the champion.During the celebrations,we threw our captain into the air(活动的过程).I would never forget it because I understood the importance of teamwork for the first time.【高分句型】(我的感受) My junior school life is coming to an end.I had a lot of sweet memories.Of them,I’d like to share with you my favorite story about a basketball game.(最喜欢的活动篮球比赛)Our team got a good start by beating two strong teams.However,our captain hurt his finger during the third game.He is the brain of our team.When thinking of losing of the center,we were all down and couldn’t concentrate on the next match.【高分句型】Our captain found this and encouraged us to fight on and cheered us up.With the help of our captain,we played as well as the first two games.Seeing our captains waving his injured finger,we made our biggest efforts in the following games.【高分句型】With the cheers of our students,we won the champion.During the celebrations,we threw our captain into the air(活动的过程).I would never forget it because I understood the importance of teamwork for the first time.【高分句型】(我的感受)
相关标签: 初中 生活 即将 结束 丰富多彩 学校 活动 留下 许多 回忆 根据 图表 提示 喜欢 进行