新人学英语 看到一句话 请大家看看怎么翻译比较好原句是这样的:严峻的现实警醒我们,现在,国家应以中华民族的共同文化普照国人心灵,重塑中华民族的普遍信仰和高尚灵魂,坚定维护整体民族信仰。 有5种翻译:The grimreality remindus, now, the state should be based on a common culture of theChinese nation'ssoul-drenched people, remodeling of the Chinese nation an


新人学英语 看到一句话 请大家看看怎么翻译比较好

The grimreality remindus, now, the state should be based on a common culture of theChinese nation'ssoul-drenched people, remodeling of the Chinese nation andnoble soulwidespread belief, firmly safeguard the overall national faith.

The starkreality remind us, now, the stateshould be based on a common culture of humansoul-drenched Chinese nation, theremodeling of the Chinese nation and noblesoul widespread belief, firmlyprotect national general confidence.

The grimreality reminds us, now, the stateshould be based on a common culture of thepeople-drenched soul of the Chinesenation, reshaping of the Chinese nation anda noble soul is widely believed,firmly defending the national religion overall.

The harshreality to remind us now, the stateshould be based on the general culture ofthe soul-drenched people of theChinese nation, the reconstruction of theChinese nation and a noble soul iswidely believed to vigorously defend theoverall national faith.

Starkreality reminds us, at present, thegovernment should soak in the spirit of theChinese nation based on a commonculture, a remake of the noble spirit of theChinese nation and the widespreadbelief, firmly safeguard national faith ingeneral.

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