关于介绍派大星的英语段.下面这个是素材.会的帮我翻译成英语呀派大星;英文:Patrick Star;系列动画片《海绵宝宝》中海绵宝宝的死党,本身是一只粉红色的海星,看起来智力很低,说话是嗓音粗粗的,身体笨重,在睡觉时会不停的流口水,典型的头大无脑型人物,但是在动画片中,它反而是说出最多有深刻含义话的人物,也许这就是通常所说的:天才和白痴只有一步之隔.


关于介绍派大星的英语段.下面这个是素材.会的帮我翻译成英语呀派大星;英文:Patrick Star;系列动画片《海绵宝宝》中海绵宝宝的死党,本身是一只粉红色的海星,看起来智力很低,说话是嗓音粗粗的,身体笨重,在睡觉时会不停的流口水,典型的头大无脑型人物,但是在动画片中,它反而是说出最多有深刻含义话的人物,也许这就是通常所说的:天才和白痴只有一步之隔.
Pro-american big star,English:and Star,Series of the animated film spongebob spongebob chums,itself is a pink starfish,looks very low intelligence,speech is voice thick thick,the body bulky,sleeping will keep drooling,typical of the large head no brain type character,but in the cartoon,it was instead say most profound meaning words characters,perhaps this is usually said:genius and idiot only one step away. Pro-american big star,English:and Star,Series of the animated film spongebob spongebob chums,itself is a pink starfish,looks very low intelligence,speech is voice thick thick,the body bulky,sleeping will keep drooling,typical of the large head no brain type character,but in the cartoon,it was instead say most profound meaning words characters,perhaps this is usually said:genius and idiot only one step away.