情景交际,根据对话内容,填写句子,是对话完整、通顺.若全部答完,可根据内容增加悬赏.A:Oh,Mary.I can't learn English.B:Don't woory.?A:I read my books but I always forget.?B:By using flashcards(教学卡片).But everyone has different ways.Tony doesn't like flashcards.A:How does he learn.?B:By asking the t


A:Oh,Mary.I can't learn English.
B:Don't woory.___________________?
A:I read my books but I always forget.______________?
B:By using flashcards(教学卡片).But everyone has different ways.Tony doesn't like flashcards.
A:How does he learn._________________________?
B:By asking the teacher.But maybe you should learn English like Judy.She's the best student.
B:By watching English TV.
A:Really?How abou Ann?Is there another way when she learns?
A:I don't like grammar.
B:Well,everyone learns in a different way.
What is your difficulty?
What is your way to learn English?
Can you tell me?
What is her way?
She learns English by laerning grammar first.
What is your difficulty?
What is your way to learn English?
Can you tell me?
What is her way?
She learns English by laerning grammar first.