英语高手请进 急 急 我校是一所历史悠久、传统优秀、与时俱进的百年老校.学校多年来本着“全面+特长”的办学思路,面向全体学生,积极开展艺术教育工作,各项艺术活动在我校蓬勃开展,涌现出了多个优秀的艺术社团.今天我校的这些艺术社团将以自己最精彩的表演来迎接远方的客人.让我们在这里一起度过一段快乐而温馨的时光.请把上面句子翻译成英文


英语高手请进 急 急
Our school is a century-old school which with long history, traditional outstanding and advancing with the times .The school based on the managerial train of thought "comprehensive + specialty" for many years.We take art education work actively to all students.Various artistic activities in our school conducted vigorously,and have emerged many excellent artistic community.Today these artistic community will with their best performance to welcome our dear guests.Let's here to have a happy and sweet time together. Our school is a century-old school which with long history, traditional outstanding and advancing with the times .The school based on the managerial train of thought "comprehensive + specialty" for many years.We take art education work actively to all students.Various artistic activities in our school conducted vigorously,and have emerged many excellent artistic community.Today these artistic community will with their best performance to welcome our dear guests.Let's here to have a happy and sweet time together.
相关标签: 英语 高手 历史悠久 传统 优秀 学校 多年 全面 思路 积极