

With the deepening of China's opening up,more and more western people and matters have entered our sight.In this condition,economy and social intercourses between different country,race,and culture will increase with time.It will also give us many opportunities to contact and communicate with western people.It is helpful for us to understand more about western society,but the case is more complicated than this,as we are facing those who come from strange cultures and countries with different thinking methods,living habits and methods of conduct.When communicating with them,cultural conflicts are inevitable .In that case,differences are improbable to avoid.
With the deepening of China's opening up,more and more western people and matters have entered our sight.In this condition,economy and social intercourses between different country,race,and culture will increase with time.It will also give us many opportunities to contact and communicate with western people.It is helpful for us to understand more about western society,but the case is more complicated than this,as we are facing those who come from strange cultures and countries with different thinking methods,living habits and methods of conduct.When communicating with them,cultural conflicts are inevitable .In that case,differences are improbable to avoid.