英语翻译1 我今天上半天班 (翻译成,工作 半天 也可以)2 我今天上 上午班 / 下午班 / 夜班3 我的同事生病了,所以我来顶替他上班4 我用攒下来的500元钱给妈妈买了一份礼物5 我们从原来的款项中,节省出来5000元 给孩子们买了 学习用品和电脑.6 你上班的地方离家里 / 7 我工作的地方离家特别远 / 有一点远 / 特别近 英语翻译.


1 我今天上半天班 (翻译成,工作 半天 也可以)
2 我今天上 上午班 / 下午班 / 夜班
3 我的同事生病了,所以我来顶替他上班
4 我用攒下来的500元钱给妈妈买了一份礼物
5 我们从原来的款项中,节省出来5000元 给孩子们买了 学习用品和电脑.
6 你上班的地方离家里 /
7 我工作的地方离家特别远 / 有一点远 / 特别近
1. I work half-day today.
2. I take morning/afternoon/night shift today.
3. My co-worker is ill, so I take over his shift / so I substitute him for the work.
4. I saved 500 dollars to buy my mother a gift.
5. We saved 5000 dollars from original budget and bought some school supplies and computers for the children.
6. Is your work place far from/ close to your home?
7. My work place is very far from / a bit far from / very close to my home.
1. I work half-day today.
2. I take morning/afternoon/night shift today.
3. My co-worker is ill, so I take over his shift / so I substitute him for the work.
4. I saved 500 dollars to buy my mother a gift.
5. We saved 5000 dollars from original budget and bought some school supplies and computers for the children.
6. Is your work place far from/ close to your home?
7. My work place is very far from / a bit far from / very close to my home.