哪位好心人帮我翻译下~(英文)最好还可以弄一个图亲爱的邓老师(女滴) 我们初一.六班将于12月14号在本班教室举行圣诞派对,邀请您参加。谢谢~ 2013级六班全体同学


哪位好心人帮我翻译下~(英文)最好还可以弄一个图亲爱的邓老师(女滴) 我们初一.六班将于12月14号在本班教室举行圣诞派对,邀请您参加。谢谢~ 2013级六班全体同学
dear miss deng our class will hold a chriamace party on the 14th december, it will be our pleasure if you can present on our party. we are waiting for your attendence . yours truthfully students in 2013grade dear miss deng our class will hold a chriamace party on the 14th december, it will be our pleasure if you can present on our party. we are waiting for your attendence . yours truthfully students in 2013grade