英语翻译是把中文翻译成英文 不要翻译软件翻译的 那种都是语法错误他死了,尽管命运多舛.他仍然偷生,失去了他的天使他就丧生.这一切都是自然而然的发生,就如同夜幕降临,落日西沉.在走过主教院街的时候,车夫曾经看见一个人双膝跪在卞福汝主教大门外面的路旁,仿佛是在黑暗里祈祷.(对于战争)历时家只能够掌握战争的主要轮廓,无论怎么力求真实,也决不能把战云的形态绝对地刻划出来.理想在那物质昌明的时代,得了一个奇怪的名称:空论.假使世间有一种可骇的事情,比做梦还更现实的事情,那一定是:活着.人们在祖国的土地上来来往往的时


是把中文翻译成英文 不要翻译软件翻译的 那种都是语法错误
He died, and although starcrossed lovers.
He is still the hero, lost his angels he died.
All this is natural,
As night falls, the west.
Over time, the bishop courtyard street driver once saw a man in BianFu your knees outside the gate bishop, asing if is in darkness in prayer.
(for war) lasted only able to grasp the main profile, war anyway, also must strive to real ZhanYun form absolutely skinned out.
The ideal in the physical essences of the era, and was a strange name: KongLun.
If there is a terrible thing, even more realistic than dreaming, it must be: alive.
People in the country on the land, go in there is always an illusion that those streets and oneself have nothing to do STH. Later once left the country, you will feel you is how about the streets. ... All the places you now, see not, may never again, but you have to remember them
He died, and although starcrossed lovers.
He is still the hero, lost his angels he died.
All this is natural,
As night falls, the west.
Over time, the bishop courtyard street driver once saw a man in BianFu your knees outside the gate bishop, asing if is in darkness in prayer.
(for war) lasted only able to grasp the main profile, war anyway, also must strive to real ZhanYun form absolutely skinned out.
The ideal in the physical essences of the era, and was a strange name: KongLun.
If there is a terrible thing, even more realistic than dreaming, it must be: alive.
People in the country on the land, go in there is always an illusion that those streets and oneself have nothing to do STH. Later once left the country, you will feel you is how about the streets. ... All the places you now, see not, may never again, but you have to remember them