英语作文写一篇60词左右的短文介绍你每天的日常生活,要求使用 have to,can it等词


写一篇60词左右的短文介绍你每天的日常生活,要求使用 have to,can it等词
My hard daily lifeMy daily life Work is so hard and it makes me very tired.I HAVE TO get up early and go to bed late.Whenever i get up in Morning,i have no time to make breakfast and go out to have Ev... My hard daily lifeMy daily life Work is so hard and it makes me very tired.I HAVE TO get up early and go to bed late.Whenever i get up in Morning,i have no time to make breakfast and go out to have Ev...
相关标签: 英语 作文 左右 短文 日常生活