完形填空Today little Tom (1) want to go to school and (2) the teacher.He pretends to (3) his father and says,“Hello.Is that the teacher (4) My little Tom has a cold and he can't go to school.He (5) me to ask for a day's (6) ."The teacher at the (7) end of the


Today little Tom (1) want to go to school and (2) the teacher.He pretends to (3) his father and says,“Hello.Is that the teacher (4) My little Tom has a cold and he can't go to school.He (5) me to ask for a day's (6) ."The teacher at the (7) end of the telephone asks," (8) is that speaking?" " (9) me ,sir."Answers Tom,"I...I am my (10) ."
()1 A needn't B doesn't C don't
()2 A asks B telephones C to telephone
()3 A is B be C like
()4 A saying B talking C speaking
()5 A want B asks C asking
()6 A live B leave C lives
()7 A another B other C other one
()8 A What B Where C Who
()9 A It's B I'm C That is
()10 A son B dather C mother
(1) B (因为是第三人称单数,所以排除C,根据句意,不能用needn't,所以选B)
(2) B (and连接两个不定式,and后面的不定式不带to,根据句意排除A,故选B)
(3) C( pretend to do sth假装做某事,后面加动词原形,排除A,根据句意排除B,故选C)
(4) C(在电话中问对方,是……在讲话吗?用speak)
(5) B (he要加第三人称单数,所以排除A,又因为文章用的是一般现在式,所以选B)
(6) B (请一天假,应该选B吧!,不好意思,这个我不太确定)
(7) A (另一个应该用another,another加名词单数,other加名词复数,所以选A)
(8) C (问的是谁.谁是who,所以选C)
(9) C(电话中说我是……用this is……或that is……所以选B)
(10) B(应该是father,不是dather吧!)
(1) B (因为是第三人称单数,所以排除C,根据句意,不能用needn't,所以选B)
(2) B (and连接两个不定式,and后面的不定式不带to,根据句意排除A,故选B)
(3) C( pretend to do sth假装做某事,后面加动词原形,排除A,根据句意排除B,故选C)
(4) C(在电话中问对方,是……在讲话吗?用speak)
(5) B (he要加第三人称单数,所以排除A,又因为文章用的是一般现在式,所以选B)
(6) B (请一天假,应该选B吧!,不好意思,这个我不太确定)
(7) A (另一个应该用another,another加名词单数,other加名词复数,所以选A)
(8) C (问的是谁.谁是who,所以选C)
(9) C(电话中说我是……用this is……或that is……所以选B)
(10) B(应该是father,不是dather吧!)