

Today,the university campus tour becomes more and more popular to tourists.So the question which is “should the university campus be open to tourists” require to be solved.
A lot of characters thought the campus should be open as a show window about school.For example,Beijing University is an old institution of high leaning.No body could believe that it is only a campus of a school if he or she walked in the campus.They might say,“ what a beautiful park.” It is well-known for its education as well.People want to feel the environment of famous university.
But in my view,the campus should not be open,because the school is a place where students learn knowledge.If the campus is open,can you promise that action should not disturb the normal order?Visitors can make noise when they are talking in campus.It can affect the teachers and students.Teachers had to stop to wait for the noise leaving.Students’ attention began leaving the class.The rubbish came to the tidy school by the visitors.
So the university campus should not be open.
Today,the university campus tour becomes more and more popular to tourists.So the question which is “should the university campus be open to tourists” require to be solved.
A lot of characters thought the campus should be open as a show window about school.For example,Beijing University is an old institution of high leaning.No body could believe that it is only a campus of a school if he or she walked in the campus.They might say,“ what a beautiful park.” It is well-known for its education as well.People want to feel the environment of famous university.
But in my view,the campus should not be open,because the school is a place where students learn knowledge.If the campus is open,can you promise that action should not disturb the normal order?Visitors can make noise when they are talking in campus.It can affect the teachers and students.Teachers had to stop to wait for the noise leaving.Students’ attention began leaving the class.The rubbish came to the tidy school by the visitors.
So the university campus should not be open.