

Nowadays many college students live a negative life. They neither have classes nor go out doing sports or communicating with others. Instead, they just stay at home or dormitory, leading to not only little knowledge but bad health as well. In my opinion, college students should still study harder on their lessons because there are also many useful skills we can learn in the college. What's the most important, they also have to pass the final exams in order to get graduation certificate. If they are not interested in the lessons, they can just try to pass the exams but in their spare time, they can go out for some volunteer work or some part-time jobs to fill their life. In a word, college students shouldnot waste their time. Nowadays many college students live a negative life. They neither have classes nor go out doing sports or communicating with others. Instead, they just stay at home or dormitory, leading to not only little knowledge but bad health as well. In my opinion, college students should still study harder on their lessons because there are also many useful skills we can learn in the college. What's the most important, they also have to pass the final exams in order to get graduation certificate. If they are not interested in the lessons, they can just try to pass the exams but in their spare time, they can go out for some volunteer work or some part-time jobs to fill their life. In a word, college students shouldnot waste their time.