根据下面的提示写一篇有关莫扎特生平的小短文(用英语大约60词) 莫扎特(Mozart)生于1756年,出生在奥地利(Austria).他小时候非常聪明,5岁就能写曲(compose music)他一生作品很多,但35岁就英年早逝(die).全世界人都喜欢他.


根据下面的提示写一篇有关莫扎特生平的小短文(用英语大约60词) 莫扎特(Mozart)生于1756年,出生在
奥地利(Austria).他小时候非常聪明,5岁就能写曲(compose music)他一生作品很多,但35岁就英年早逝(die).全世界人都喜欢他.
Mozart,a world-famous composer,was born in 1756.When he was very young,he was very clever and could compose music at the age of five.He produced a lot of works all his life,but unfortunately he died when he was only 35 years old.People all over the world liked him. Mozart,a world-famous composer,was born in 1756.When he was very young,he was very clever and could compose music at the age of five.He produced a lot of works all his life,but unfortunately he died when he was only 35 years old.People all over the world liked him.