帮忙改托福作文,大概给个分吧While a considerable number of people,maintaining this judgment that high-tech products have reduce the imagination of children,claim that too many new objects bring about the limitation of thought,according to my understanding,technology ha


While a considerable number of people,maintaining this judgment that high-tech products have reduce the imagination of children,claim that too many new objects bring about the limitation of thought,according to my understanding,technology has definitely arouse children’s creativity from these aspects of increasing curiosity,convenient communication,and better living condition.
It is always top of the list of my arguments that scientific devices have many desirable impacts on children’s curiosity to life.For example,technology has spawned great progress in toys and books producing,helping toddlers enhance their emotions to beauty,prolong their passions of doing one thing,and improve their understanding to new substances.Similarly,high tech products has emancipated tots’ feelings about glamor of aesthetics,culture,and mathematics,by diffusing knowledge through mass media and by constructing models of different kind of disciplines.Perhaps more importantly,however,is that Internet brought about the access to objects that are grossly fresh to children,which has made possible evocation of interests to external world,thereby providing chances of increasing children’s creativity.
An additional factor involves this recognition that Internet interfere with the contact between kids and other people.Few would dispute that a crucial function of internet is to promote the efficient ways of communication.There‘re innumerable methods used to gain opinions about something from others,such as opening chatting appliances to connect friends or asking questions on a bbs.However,when nowadays youngsters are surfing on the Internet,they have much more opportunities than the past to achieve an attainment of the information they are caring about,as the children who born formerly could only search for solutions by reading or following their parents and teachers.Since it is universally acknowledged that youths are susceptible to advanced knowledge due to their extensive thinking pattern,their inventive ability is likely to go up as a result of the boundless chances of information attainment.
Adding even more credibility to my opinion is that the living condition can raise children’s concept of value.The tots,whose family are well-off and have many desirable high-tech equipments,are easier to come up with fabulous ideas.Over one hundred studies carried out in the ten major cities of China over the past decades have revealed that among these children,who have jobs in scientific studies can achieve a high accomplishment rate (75.3%).On the contrary,those who live in poor families and have few opportunities to come into contact with new things are less creative in the scientific field,and it turns out that most of them have to be in a commonplace working position for years.
Judging from all the evidence offered above,we can arrive at this conclusion that technology is positively beneficial to children’s creativity.Only do they have contact with high tech,children are able to ponder to construct a more advanced creation.
是Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Technology has made children less creative than they were in the past.