英语翻译历史追溯到1776年的7月4日,美国国会通过由13州代表签字的 《独立宣言》,正式脱离英国的殖民统治而独立.然而,美国的独立 并非由一纸宣言而体现,而是经过1775年至1783年,总共八年的血腥 战争,英军战败投降,才有结果的.不过,追求生命自由平等的《独立宣言》,仍然是美国以至人类 历史发展的一大里程碑.本报记者得未来人之助,来到签署《独立宣 言》的大现场.美国开国元勋们经历了冗长严肃的辩论过程后,昨天终于在费城 栗树街(Chestnut Street)的独立宫(Independence Hal


栗树街(Chestnut Street)的独立宫(Independence Hall)内,签
The history traced to 1776 on July 4,
The United States Congress through signs by 13 statesrepresentatives
《The Declaration of Independence》, officially is separated fromEnglish the colonial rule but to be independent. However, US'Sindependence
Manifests by no means by a paper manifesto, but was passesthrough from 1775 to 1783, altogether eight years rank smell of blood
The war, the English armed force defeats the surrender, only then has the result.
But, the pursue life free equality 《the Declaration of Independence》,still was US down to the humanity
A historical development big milestone. Newspaper reporter willresult in helping of the future person, will arrive signs"independently proclaims Word "big scene.
After US founded a country Yuan Xunmen to experience the long seriousdebate process, yesterday finally in Philadelphia
Chestnut street (Chestnut Street) independent palace(Independence Hall) in, bamboo slip
Bureau has been separated from the English to rule 《theDeclaration of Independence》. Signs in this important history file
Altogether has 56 persons from all walks of life.
《The Declaration of Independence》 is suffers the English governmentrepeatedly in the North America 13 colonies the oppression and isexhausted
Truncates under time background product. It establishes themain key for the human rights, explained the humanity has above power
Money pouch God when makes the person entrusts with, buthumanity in order to protect these rights, therefore organizationpolitics
Government office.
The manifesto explicitly pointed out that, "For guarantees theserights, promotes and promotes these rights, the people
Gets up organizes the government; Government, its authoritywhich organizes since the people, certainly comes from the people
It proposes a cardinal principle: The people since may organize thegovernment, certainly also may dismiss
Government, and in addition a group of new government, but, thepeople must be are having no way out, endure not to have may
Endures in the situation, can get up relieves politics whichone kind already has to relate, establishes another politics to bejoint
The manifesto is established the principle, summarized the NorthAmerica people to experience English's oppression to obtain theexperience
The history experience, it also becomes the democratic regimedevelopment the main source. At the same time, the English goes toofar
Act, also through the manifesto expounded lets the posterity know.
The history traced to 1776 on July 4,
The United States Congress through signs by 13 statesrepresentatives
《The Declaration of Independence》, officially is separated fromEnglish the colonial rule but to be independent. However, US'Sindependence
Manifests by no means by a paper manifesto, but was passesthrough from 1775 to 1783, altogether eight years rank smell of blood
The war, the English armed force defeats the surrender, only then has the result.
But, the pursue life free equality 《the Declaration of Independence》,still was US down to the humanity
A historical development big milestone. Newspaper reporter willresult in helping of the future person, will arrive signs"independently proclaims Word "big scene.
After US founded a country Yuan Xunmen to experience the long seriousdebate process, yesterday finally in Philadelphia
Chestnut street (Chestnut Street) independent palace(Independence Hall) in, bamboo slip
Bureau has been separated from the English to rule 《theDeclaration of Independence》. Signs in this important history file
Altogether has 56 persons from all walks of life.
《The Declaration of Independence》 is suffers the English governmentrepeatedly in the North America 13 colonies the oppression and isexhausted
Truncates under time background product. It establishes themain key for the human rights, explained the humanity has above power
Money pouch God when makes the person entrusts with, buthumanity in order to protect these rights, therefore organizationpolitics
Government office.
The manifesto explicitly pointed out that, "For guarantees theserights, promotes and promotes these rights, the people
Gets up organizes the government; Government, its authoritywhich organizes since the people, certainly comes from the people
It proposes a cardinal principle: The people since may organize thegovernment, certainly also may dismiss
Government, and in addition a group of new government, but, thepeople must be are having no way out, endure not to have may
Endures in the situation, can get up relieves politics whichone kind already has to relate, establishes another politics to bejoint
The manifesto is established the principle, summarized the NorthAmerica people to experience English's oppression to obtain theexperience
The history experience, it also becomes the democratic regimedevelopment the main source. At the same time, the English goes toofar
Act, also through the manifesto expounded lets the posterity know.