英语翻译记忆力的好方法 1 在背书时可以播放抒情的音乐 2 晚上6-10点和早上6-8点是提高记忆力的最佳时间 3 背书时可以联想相近的事物


记忆力的好方法 1 在背书时可以播放抒情的音乐 2 晚上6-10点和早上6-8点是提高记忆力的最佳时间 3 背书时可以联想相近的事物
We have short term memories and long term memories,when we get older,we start losing our memories.I have some ways to improve our faculty of memory:
1.Play some lyric music while memorizing textbook.
2.The best time to improve memory is 6-10 PM or 6-8 AM.
3.Think of similar things when memorizing.
We have short term memories and long term memories,when we get older,we start losing our memories.I have some ways to improve our faculty of memory:
1.Play some lyric music while memorizing textbook.
2.The best time to improve memory is 6-10 PM or 6-8 AM.
3.Think of similar things when memorizing.