英语翻译摘 要:在高等数学求极限的方法中,利用等价无穷大代换求极限的方法很少被提到,利用等价无穷大代换求极限与等价无穷小代换求极限一样可以起到简化计算的作用.在代换中对乘积因子可以进行等价无穷大代换,但在一定条件下对极限式中的非乘积因子也可利用等价无穷大代换求极限.关键词:等价无穷大;代换;极限


摘 要:在高等数学求极限的方法中,利用等价无穷大代换求极限的方法很少被提到,利用等价无穷大代换求极限与等价无穷小代换求极限一样可以起到简化计算的作用.在代换中对乘积因子可以进行等价无穷大代换,但在一定条件下对极限式中的非乘积因子也可利用等价无穷大代换求极限.
In the limit of higher mathematics method, the method of using equivalent infinity substitution limit is rarely mentioned, using the equivalent infinity substitution limit and equivalent infinitesimal substitution limit can have the effect of simplified calculation. In substitution for the product factor can be equivalent infinity substitution, but under certain conditions can also be used to limit the type of the product factor equivalent infinity substitution limit.来自有道翻译 In the limit of higher mathematics method, the method of using equivalent infinity substitution limit is rarely mentioned, using the equivalent infinity substitution limit and equivalent infinitesimal substitution limit can have the effect of simplified calculation. In substitution for the product factor can be equivalent infinity substitution, but under certain conditions can also be used to limit the type of the product factor equivalent infinity substitution limit.来自有道翻译