仁爱英语八年级下册课文U7 T1 Sc 1a 原文快


仁爱英语八年级下册课文U7 T1 Sc 1a 原文
(Uncle Yang is an English teacher in a high school.Kangkang is inviting him to the food festival over the phone.)
Operator:Hello!No.37 High School.
Kangkang:Hello!Extension 6006,please.
Operator:Ok.Hold on,please.
Uncle Yang:(A few seconds later) Hello!
Kangkang:Hello!Uncle Yang,this is Kangkang.
Uncle Yang:What's up,Kangkang?
Kangkang:We're going to have an international food festival to raise money for a village school in Nigeria.May I invite you to come?
Uncle Yang:What a surprise!I'd love to.When and where?
Kangkang:On our school playground on May 16th.It's Sunday.You must come to our food festival.
Uncle Yang:OK.I'm pleased to hear that.Keep up the good work,Kangkang!
(Uncle Yang is an English teacher in a high school.Kangkang is inviting him to the food festival over the phone.)
Operator:Hello!No.37 High School.
Kangkang:Hello!Extension 6006,please.
Operator:Ok.Hold on,please.
Uncle Yang:(A few seconds later) Hello!
Kangkang:Hello!Uncle Yang,this is Kangkang.
Uncle Yang:What's up,Kangkang?
Kangkang:We're going to have an international food festival to raise money for a village school in Nigeria.May I invite you to come?
Uncle Yang:What a surprise!I'd love to.When and where?
Kangkang:On our school playground on May 16th.It's Sunday.You must come to our food festival.
Uncle Yang:OK.I'm pleased to hear that.Keep up the good work,Kangkang!
相关标签: 仁爱 英语 八年级 课文 原文