英语翻译2.旅游的发展和人们的收入有很的关系.(relateed to) 3.光从课本上学习理论没有用,最好的方法是把理论和你的实际工作结合起来.(combine) 4.他坐在书桌前,好像在认真做作业似的.(as if) 5.在高楼、立交桥和轨道交通等方面,上海和国外的大都市很相像.(in term of)


2.旅游的发展和人们的收入有很的关系.(relateed to) 3.光从课本上学习理论没有用,最好的方法是把理论和你的实际工作结合起来.(combine) 4.他坐在书桌前,好像在认真做作业似的.(as if) 5.在高楼、立交桥和轨道交通等方面,上海和国外的大都市很相像.(in term of)
1. these 2 vases bear so significant similarities to each other that people cannot tell which is made of plastic and which is made of china.
2. the development of tourism is greatly related to people's income level
3. there is no use to merely learn theories from books. the best way is to combine theories with your practical work.
4. he sat in front of the desk as if he was concentrating on doing his homework.
5. in terms of tall buildings, crossroads and Rail Transit, Shanghai and metropolis abroad are alike.
1. these 2 vases bear so significant similarities to each other that people cannot tell which is made of plastic and which is made of china.
2. the development of tourism is greatly related to people's income level
3. there is no use to merely learn theories from books. the best way is to combine theories with your practical work.
4. he sat in front of the desk as if he was concentrating on doing his homework.
5. in terms of tall buildings, crossroads and Rail Transit, Shanghai and metropolis abroad are alike.