偶小外甥出的完形填空题这里有一篇短文,要求出6个空格,每空格4个选项,其中4个空格考核阅读理解能力,2个空格考核语言知识.晕死我了,Good manners at mealtimes help you and those around you to feel comfortable.This is true at home as much as it is true in someone else’s home or in a restaurant.Good manners make meals more


Good manners at mealtimes help you and those around you to feel comfortable.This is true at home as much as it is true in someone else’s home or in a restaurant.Good manners make meals more enjoyable for everyone at the table.
By this time you probably know quite well what good table manners are.You realize that keeping your arms on the table,talking with your mouth full,and bolting your food are not considered good manners.You know also that if you are mannerly,you say “Please” and “Thank you” and ask for things to be passed to you.
Have you ever thought of a pleasant attitude as being essential to good table manners?Not only are pleasant mealtimes enjoyable,but they aid digestion.The dinner table is a place for enjoyable conversation.It should never become a battleground.You are definitely growing in social maturity when you try to be an agreeable table companion.
(1.2)manners:A.masters B.owners C.manners D.honests
(4.2)at:A.on B.at C.in D.during
(5.7)quite:A.rather B.very C.more D.quite
(10.5)of:A.over B.about C.of D.for
(3.5)restaruant:A.restaruant B.cafe C.hotel D.shop
(12.9)conversation:A.speech B.chat C.talk D.conversation
(1.2)manners:A.masters B.owners C.manners D.honests
(4.2)at:A.on B.at C.in D.during
(5.7)quite:A.rather B.very C.more D.quite
(10.5)of:A.over B.about C.of D.for
(3.5)restaruant:A.restaruant B.cafe C.hotel D.shop
(12.9)conversation:A.speech B.chat C.talk D.conversation