英语翻译p.s这位女士是交换项目中的一位成员.除了等待我们还能做什么?我们计划出国旅游,但因为地震我们没去成.【汉译英】一个“.” “ ”是一个句子帮忙


一个“.” “ ”是一个句子帮忙
我希望将来有一天我能梦想成真. 他工作很忙,以至于整年没回天津了.
I hope one day I can dream come true. He worked very busy, so the whole year was not back to Tianjin.
p.s这位女士是交换项目中的一位成员. 除了等待我们还能做什么? 我们计划出国旅游,但因为地震我们没去成.【汉译英】
ps the lady is a member of the exchange project. What else can we do but wait? We plan to travel abroad, but because we did not go into the earthquake.
我希望将来有一天我能梦想成真. 他工作很忙,以至于整年没回天津了.
I hope one day I can dream come true. He worked very busy, so the whole year was not back to Tianjin.
p.s这位女士是交换项目中的一位成员. 除了等待我们还能做什么? 我们计划出国旅游,但因为地震我们没去成.【汉译英】
ps the lady is a member of the exchange project. What else can we do but wait? We plan to travel abroad, but because we did not go into the earthquake.