托福作文 people can learn more from books than from TVS


托福作文 people can learn more from books than from TVS
With the astonishing development of technology, television plays a significant role in people’s daily life. There are some people argue that television maybe has some misleading information which will hide people’s thinking. For my perspective, I strongly believe that people can learn more from watching television than by reading books.

In the first place, television can illustrate abstract concept and theories in a clearer way: atomic motion; evolution of universe, etc. For example, if I want to know a car how to operate, what make it drive? When I watch television it will show me how the car organize and it will have a visual and audio that will make it easy for me to understand the part of car. However, if I read it from book which will drive me crazy, how I can see the tedious literally and simple figure can imagine what the part look like and understand the organize of the car. So learn from television make the learning process more appealing, thus people can have a long attention span when they study through TV viewing.

Moreover, through television we can access the latest development in science and technology in prompt manner. For instance, we can see and know the Shenzhou Five spacecraft how to work and in which way it sent to sky and how it changes its orbit. The latest we can know immediately from the television at the same time when the spacecraft send. If we get this knowledge from book it would not be the newest. To process to make a book is not easy, it should have someone to write down this knowledge, then someone to review it and publish it, and finally it can reach your hand. The process will take a lot of time. Maybe when you read this book about the technology how the spacecraft function you have already totally understand it from television and have your own idea about that.

To sum up, visual and audio can provide us various aspects of knowledge not only we can see it but also we can listen it. Also the latest we can learn from television which is more convenient and efficient for us. So ignore something on television about misleading information the benefits it bring to us outweigh than the drawbacks.
With the astonishing development of technology, television plays a significant role in people’s daily life. There are some people argue that television maybe has some misleading information which will hide people’s thinking. For my perspective, I strongly believe that people can learn more from watching television than by reading books.

In the first place, television can illustrate abstract concept and theories in a clearer way: atomic motion; evolution of universe, etc. For example, if I want to know a car how to operate, what make it drive? When I watch television it will show me how the car organize and it will have a visual and audio that will make it easy for me to understand the part of car. However, if I read it from book which will drive me crazy, how I can see the tedious literally and simple figure can imagine what the part look like and understand the organize of the car. So learn from television make the learning process more appealing, thus people can have a long attention span when they study through TV viewing.

Moreover, through television we can access the latest development in science and technology in prompt manner. For instance, we can see and know the Shenzhou Five spacecraft how to work and in which way it sent to sky and how it changes its orbit. The latest we can know immediately from the television at the same time when the spacecraft send. If we get this knowledge from book it would not be the newest. To process to make a book is not easy, it should have someone to write down this knowledge, then someone to review it and publish it, and finally it can reach your hand. The process will take a lot of time. Maybe when you read this book about the technology how the spacecraft function you have already totally understand it from television and have your own idea about that.

To sum up, visual and audio can provide us various aspects of knowledge not only we can see it but also we can listen it. Also the latest we can learn from television which is more convenient and efficient for us. So ignore something on television about misleading information the benefits it bring to us outweigh than the drawbacks.
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