新概念英语第二册第六课第二个练习B改写以下句子,用含有knock的短语动词来代替以下句子中粗体的词语.1、The old lady hit the thief over the head with a candlestick and now he is unconscious.2、At what time do you finish work every day?3、The shopkeeper reduced the price of all his goods by 20%.不会的不要瞎说,


改写以下句子,用含有knock的短语动词来代替以下句子中粗体的词语.1、The old lady hit the thief over the head with a candlestick and now he is unconscious.2、At what time do you finish work every day?3、The shopkeeper reduced the price of all his goods by 20%.不会的不要瞎说,
改写题:1 knocked him out 意为“昏倒” 2 knock off 意为“下班” 3 knocked 20% off the goods 意为“降价20%”P32 :1 The writer has just moved to a house in Bridge Street.2 A beggar knocked at her door yesterday.3 He sing songs.4 The writer gave him a meal in return for this.5 His name is Percy Buttons.6 He calls at every house once a week or once a month.有不懂的地方就接着问, 改写题:1 knocked him out 意为“昏倒” 2 knock off 意为“下班” 3 knocked 20% off the goods 意为“降价20%”P32 :1 The writer has just moved to a house in Bridge Street.2 A beggar knocked at her door yesterday.3 He sing songs.4 The writer gave him a meal in return for this.5 His name is Percy Buttons.6 He calls at every house once a week or once a month.有不懂的地方就接着问,