谁能帮我把下面的一段翻译成英语?你最喜欢的交通工具是什么? 上周我们做了一个关于各种不同的交通工具的调查。我们询问了一些同学他们最喜欢的几种交通工具。这些是调查的结果。大多数的同学骑单车来学校。骑单车比开汽车和公共汽车都要便宜。一些同学喜欢汽车因为他们比单车更安全。而且他们比单车更快。在一些同学当中,公共汽车不太受欢迎,因为他们通常有太多乘客,而且更脏更拥挤。但是,不是很多人能买得起汽车。 就这么多了,一定要快 啊 3Q


谁能帮我把下面的一段翻译成英语?你最喜欢的交通工具是什么? 上周我们做了一个关于各种不同的交通工具的调查。我们询问了一些同学他们最喜欢的几种交通工具。这些是调查的结果。大多数的同学骑单车来学校。骑单车比开汽车和公共汽车都要便宜。一些同学喜欢汽车因为他们比单车更安全。而且他们比单车更快。在一些同学当中,公共汽车不太受欢迎,因为他们通常有太多乘客,而且更脏更拥挤。但是,不是很多人能买得起汽车。 就这么多了,一定要快 啊 3Q
问问VLC团糖糖为你 Transport your favorite tool? Last week we did a variety of different modes of transport on the investigation. We asked several students to their favorite transport. These are the results of the survey. Most of the students cycling to school. Cyclists than cars and buses should be cheaper to open. Some students like cars because they are safer than a bike. And they faster than a bike. Among some students, the bus is not popular because they usually have too many passengers, more crowded and more dirty. However, not many people can afford cars. 问问VLC团糖糖为你 Transport your favorite tool? Last week we did a variety of different modes of transport on the investigation. We asked several students to their favorite transport. These are the results of the survey. Most of the students cycling to school. Cyclists than cars and buses should be cheaper to open. Some students like cars because they are safer than a bike. And they faster than a bike. Among some students, the bus is not popular because they usually have too many passengers, more crowded and more dirty. However, not many people can afford cars.