急急急 以下文字翻译成英语幼儿教育是基础教育的基础,是终身教育的奠基阶段,是为幼儿一生打好基础”。2010年教育部颁布《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》,明确指出积极发展学前教育,到2020年,普及学前一年教,基本普及学前两年教育,有条件的地区普及学前三年教育。但当前我国学前教育存在“入园难”“入园贵”“孽童事件”等等诸多问题。制约着我国教育水平的整体发展。因此,解决当前学前教育中存在的问题,是提高国民素质、促进经济社会和谐发展的重要途径;是推进城乡教育均衡发展、维护教育公平和社会公正的重要举措;也是落


急急急 以下文字翻译成英语
The preschool education is the basis of primary education and the base period of life-long education, providing foundation for the whole life of the infants. In 2010, National Education Reform and Development of Long-term Planning Programs established by the Minister of Education clearly indicated to positively develop preschool education, to popularize one-year preschool education, to basically popularize two-year preschool education and to spread three-year preschool education in conditional areas untill 2020.
However, there are various problems such as “difficulty in entering kindergarden”, “expensive to enter kindergarden”, ”abuse cases”,etc. existed in current preschool education. They restrict the integral development of Chinese educational level. Thus, to solve the problems existed in current preschool education is an important way to promote the populace's cultivation and the accord development of economic society. It’s a major measure to proceed balanced development of urban and rural education and to maintain educational and social justice, and also an important guarantee to fulfill the scientific thought of development and build the new harmonious socialist countryside.
The preschool education is the basis of primary education and the base period of life-long education, providing foundation for the whole life of the infants. In 2010, National Education Reform and Development of Long-term Planning Programs established by the Minister of Education clearly indicated to positively develop preschool education, to popularize one-year preschool education, to basically popularize two-year preschool education and to spread three-year preschool education in conditional areas untill 2020.
However, there are various problems such as “difficulty in entering kindergarden”, “expensive to enter kindergarden”, ”abuse cases”,etc. existed in current preschool education. They restrict the integral development of Chinese educational level. Thus, to solve the problems existed in current preschool education is an important way to promote the populace's cultivation and the accord development of economic society. It’s a major measure to proceed balanced development of urban and rural education and to maintain educational and social justice, and also an important guarantee to fulfill the scientific thought of development and build the new harmonious socialist countryside.