英语句子分析,请帮我分析一下句子构成成分及涉及的重要知识点,1.The first and smallest unit that can be discussed in relation to language is the word.2.In speaking,the choice of words is of the utmost importance.3.Porper selection will eliminate one source of likely breakdown in the com


1.The first and smallest unit that can be discussed in relation to language is the word.
2.In speaking,the choice of words is of the utmost importance.
3.Porper selection will eliminate one source of likely breakdown in the communication cycle.
4.Too often careless use of words prevents a meeting of the minds of the speaker and listener.
1.that后面引导的句子是用来修饰前面的unit的,这个句子里面的in relation to 是个不错的词组.
2.is of the utmost importance其实是由这个结构演变来的:be of +名词,这个用法就等于一个形容词!比如说be of importance就等于important,在写作的时候用这个就很好!
3.这个句子里面其实就是一个很典型的主谓宾的结构,只是后面加了一个in the communication cycle.
4.这句话的主语就是Too often careless use of words ,后面的the minds 是指the speaker and listener的,这样一来这句话就很好理解了!
1.that后面引导的句子是用来修饰前面的unit的,这个句子里面的in relation to 是个不错的词组.
2.is of the utmost importance其实是由这个结构演变来的:be of +名词,这个用法就等于一个形容词!比如说be of importance就等于important,在写作的时候用这个就很好!
3.这个句子里面其实就是一个很典型的主谓宾的结构,只是后面加了一个in the communication cycle.
4.这句话的主语就是Too often careless use of words ,后面的the minds 是指the speaker and listener的,这样一来这句话就很好理解了!