英语翻译 不要百度 金山 有道等翻译工具翻译的,要自己翻译 100~300字四川省会成都,物产富饶,人们享受着安逸悠闲的生活。众所周知成都人热爱生活,他们懂得放松休闲,还知道怎么把原材料变为诱人的美食。川菜的历史可以追溯到秦朝,现在是中国四大菜系之一,正所谓“食在中国,味在四川”。作为省会城市的成都,也有着深厚的饮食文化。成都菜食材丰富多样,这些食材的色,香,味,形在烹饪中都很重要,尤其是味。地道的成都菜靠的不仅是辣椒(chili)、花椒的麻辣,还有各种调味品(seasoning)的组合与平衡。


英语翻译 不要百度 金山 有道等翻译工具翻译的,要自己翻译 100~300字
chengdu is the provincial capital of sichan ,which has a lot of natural resources. people at there have a comfortable and relaxing life.it is well known that chengdu's people enjoy life very much,they know relax as well as how to change the material into delicious food.the history of Sichuan cuisine could dated from qin dynasty,and now is one of the China's four big cuisines,it is like that "Fresh in China, in sichuan flavor".你先采纳,后半部分追问我我再发给你--出了点小问题 chengdu is the provincial capital of sichan ,which has a lot of natural resources. people at there have a comfortable and relaxing life.it is well known that chengdu's people enjoy life very much,they know relax as well as how to change the material into delicious food.the history of Sichuan cuisine could dated from qin dynasty,and now is one of the China's four big cuisines,it is like that "Fresh in China, in sichuan flavor".你先采纳,后半部分追问我我再发给你--出了点小问题