雅思小作文 修改一定要给个评分哦亲 剑7 TEST3The graph describes changes in average prices of house in various cities around the world in the thirteen-year period from 1990 to 2002 compared with the average house prices in 1989.First of all,average house prices in Tokyo and


雅思小作文 修改
一定要给个评分哦亲 剑7 TEST3
The graph describes changes in average prices of house in various cities around the world in the thirteen-year period from 1990 to 2002 compared with the average house prices in 1989.
First of all,average house prices in Tokyo and London both declined dramatically between 1990 and 1995,with 7 pecentages.In addition,prices in New York also decreased,with 5 percentages.However,average house prices in Madrid and Frankfurt increased a little bit,with 2% and 3% respectively.
During 7 years from 1996 to 2002,average house prices in London showed a significantly upward trend,as we can see,12% more than those in 1989.It is also noticeable that prices in New York and Madrid went up,with 5% and 4% respectively.What's more,prices in Frankfurt climbed slightly.Nonetheless,prices in Tokyo still fell,with 5%.
In a nutshell,though other cities' prices increased more or less,yet prices in Tokyo declined as the same before.
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