英语翻译“您好,我发邮箱想跟您确认一下,最后递交雅思成绩的截止日期是什么时候呢?有没有可能7月31日之前呢?我在荷兰的其他学校读了prep school,所以拥有这边的短期visa,想请问下这种情况下,有没有可能延长一点递交雅思成绩的日期呢?因为种种原因,我的雅思成绩可能会在7月31日之前出来,所以恳请您帮帮忙,可以延长一点吗?


“您好,我发邮箱想跟您确认一下,最后递交雅思成绩的截止日期是什么时候呢?有没有可能7月31日之前呢?我在荷兰的其他学校读了prep school,所以拥有这边的短期visa,想请问下这种情况下,有没有可能延长一点递交雅思成绩的日期呢?因为种种原因,我的雅思成绩可能会在7月31日之前出来,所以恳请您帮帮忙,可以延长一点吗?
hello,i want to make sure when is the deadline of hand on the ,so i sent you this mail. Is it possible before July 31? I attended other prep schools in the Netherlands, so i have a short-term visa.I want know under this situation is it possible to prolong the time of submitting the ielts grade? Because due to various reasons, my ielts score may come out before 31 July, socould you do me a favor, to give me more time?I will very appreciate you hlpe. hello,i want to make sure when is the deadline of hand on the ,so i sent you this mail. Is it possible before July 31? I attended other prep schools in the Netherlands, so i have a short-term visa.I want know under this situation is it possible to prolong the time of submitting the ielts grade? Because due to various reasons, my ielts score may come out before 31 July, socould you do me a favor, to give me more time?I will very appreciate you hlpe.