

China is a agricultural country and agriculture is crucial to China in her course to become a developed one.China's agriculture is the miracle of the world,feeding 1,300 million people,20 percent of the world population.It solidly guarantees China'rapid economic development,especially after the reform and openning up started from the rural areas since 1978,which accelerated agriculture's further devrlopment and the production of such products as grain,cotton,oil crops,sugar crops,meat and aquatic products were ranked first in the world.There were serious shortage of agricultural products in the past,but now China can balance the basic supply of these products,some of which is in surplus.However,currently,the counterside is not the biggest beneficiaryof the reform and openning up and agriculture is still in the transitional period from a traditional mode to modernized one.In China,about 70 percent people still have to rely on the traditional agricultural industry to provide livelihood and about 50 percent social working people can only get employment from agriculture.The productive value of agriculture amounts to about 15 percent of the GNP.Therefore,the modernization of agriculture has great significance in the nation's modernization process.Achieving the modernization of agriculture has always been the orientation of agricultural development the Chinese government adheres to.
crucial 是形容词,你不能 crucial to 这样用;
解决了世界1/5人口的吃饭问题 这里解决了没有翻译到 谓语是一定要翻译出来的;
China'rapid economic development 最好把rapid放后面 China economy develop rapidly;
改革开放是一项政策最好这样翻译Reform and Open Policy;
the production of such products ,production 和 products 都是相同意思的名词,直接the
production as 就好了.
,but now China can balance the basic supply of these products.省略了of these products,上一句有说下一句就最好不要重复.省略了没影响的,
agriculture is still in the transitional period(that +一个动词转变,用进行时态.) from a traditional mode to modernized one
后面也没有什么了.个人认为insist 比 adheres 好一点.
crucial 是形容词,你不能 crucial to 这样用;
解决了世界1/5人口的吃饭问题 这里解决了没有翻译到 谓语是一定要翻译出来的;
China'rapid economic development 最好把rapid放后面 China economy develop rapidly;
改革开放是一项政策最好这样翻译Reform and Open Policy;
the production of such products ,production 和 products 都是相同意思的名词,直接the
production as 就好了.
,but now China can balance the basic supply of these products.省略了of these products,上一句有说下一句就最好不要重复.省略了没影响的,
agriculture is still in the transitional period(that +一个动词转变,用进行时态.) from a traditional mode to modernized one
后面也没有什么了.个人认为insist 比 adheres 好一点.