

With the rapid development of Chinese economic development ,the largest developing country has caught the world's enormous attention,which also marks the rise of the ancient and mysterious nation in the oriental area.Meanwhile,Chinese is also engaged in the UN as one of the offical languages that contributes to the interest in learning worldwide.And China's host of Olympic Games ,World Expo and other grand international events have greatly advanced the popularity of learning Chinese.
As we all know,China has a profound history of 5,000 years and rich oriental culture in food,clothing,architecture,riligion,etc.As a result,combined with the status as a big economy in the world,millions of foreigners and investors flock to the land every year.Thus,the Chinese language has become a strong tool of communication for them to better learn and understand local custom,tradition as well as culture.
Futhermore,as many foreign investors have or are about to set up their firms in China,the local language has become essential for them to have a deep insight into the comsumer market and help them grow more competitive and stand firm.
With the rapid development of Chinese economic development ,the largest developing country has caught the world's enormous attention,which also marks the rise of the ancient and mysterious nation in the oriental area.Meanwhile,Chinese is also engaged in the UN as one of the offical languages that contributes to the interest in learning worldwide.And China's host of Olympic Games ,World Expo and other grand international events have greatly advanced the popularity of learning Chinese.
As we all know,China has a profound history of 5,000 years and rich oriental culture in food,clothing,architecture,riligion,etc.As a result,combined with the status as a big economy in the world,millions of foreigners and investors flock to the land every year.Thus,the Chinese language has become a strong tool of communication for them to better learn and understand local custom,tradition as well as culture.
Futhermore,as many foreign investors have or are about to set up their firms in China,the local language has become essential for them to have a deep insight into the comsumer market and help them grow more competitive and stand firm.
相关标签: 英语 作文 世界 汉语