

The quality of customer service is the life of hotel industry.
To improve the client satisfaction and the client loyalty index,we should,try our best,to offer high-class services(quality service),which would also bring us reliable reputation as well as larger share of the market.
Based on the theory of quality service and the current situation of customer service in the Victoria Hotel,this artical will propose some suggestions for quality service in order to improve the quality of hotel customer service and to highlight the superior quality offered by the Victoria Hotel.
The suggestions including service of detail,four consciousness for staffs in quality customer serving and some innovative forms of quality service.
The quality of customer service is just like the life of hotel industry.In order to improve degree of satisfactory and the customer loyalty,the high customer service quality must be guaranteed,through which the good credit can be acquired,the market can be occupied and both economic and social benefits can be assured.
This paper presents the strategy in terms of quality customer service management based on the definition of quality customer service while combined with the current quality status of Victoria Hotel's customer service,through which can further improve the quality of hotel customer service and highlight the advantages of Victoria Hotel's customer service.
Its strategy includes:the detailed customer service,the cultivation of four awareness for quality customer service and creative forms in terms of quality service.
The quality of customer service is just like the life of hotel industry.In order to improve degree of satisfactory and the customer loyalty,the high customer service quality must be guaranteed,through which the good credit can be acquired,the market can be occupied and both economic and social benefits can be assured.
This paper presents the strategy in terms of quality customer service management based on the definition of quality customer service while combined with the current quality status of Victoria Hotel's customer service,through which can further improve the quality of hotel customer service and highlight the advantages of Victoria Hotel's customer service.
Its strategy includes:the detailed customer service,the cultivation of four awareness for quality customer service and creative forms in terms of quality service.